About Us

We believe that the future of public health work is inclusive and accessible.

There is massive untapped potential in the disabled community – that’s why we help marginalized jobseekers find roles where they can thrive, and help employers access a wide pool of highly competent applicants. Invisible Strengths is designed specifically for those with invisible disabilities, and the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ disability communities, but is open to all.

1 in 4 Americans live with a disability, and on average they’re twice as likely to be jobless than people without disabilities – but the experience of disability is very different along identity lines. LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities in the US have higher rates of disability than the general population, an intersection that all too often creates challenges for finding and maintaining employment.

Black Americans with disabilities have a 37% poverty rate, the highest of any group in the US; Almost half of the LGBTQI+ adults with disabilities face economic insecurity. Millions of people in the US have invisible disabilities - disabilities that are not immediately apparent, like many chronic illnesses - and experience high rates of workplace discrimination. We’re building a tool for these chronically underserved communities, to open the door for people who are often unfairly shut out.