Job Poster
Connecting disabled jobseekers with supportive work environments, and a diverse pipeline of candidates for employers.
Our Work

Connecting disabled jobseekers with supportive work environments, and a diverse pipeline of candidates for employers.

Join the movement and hire candidates with Invisible Strengths

We help you hit your recruitment goals and find the right person for the job, whatever it may be. Become an Invisible Strengths partner and tap into our wide pool of highly competent professionals. We match you with candidates based on their unique skills, previous experience, and accommodation needs, to make sure you find the right fit.

Become an Invisible Strengths partner and tap into our wide pool of highly competent professionals.

How we help

We match you with candidates based on their unique skills, previous experience, and accommodation needs, to make sure you find the right fit.

Using the power of technology to build the future of work

  • AI-powered technology suggests accommodations your applicants may need
  • Internal tools to help you coordinate seamlessly with your team – so you’re informed, and on the same page
  • Training tools to help you hit your goals

Not sure how to enable success?

We offer DEAI training to companies that want to shift their culture and build organizational capacity before posting job opportunities on the application.

Join the pilot

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Join our Pilot

Join our pilot and see how you can aid in making the workplace a more accessible place.
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Join and Demo

Become an Invisible Strengths partner and tap into our wide pool of highly competent professionals. Join in on our pilot and demo our product.

Join the Pilot